It’s mostly all been said already, however there’s one thing of note to add.
Palp’s basic, triggering passive damage on rebels, Jedi, and all shocked enemies, is ellegedly stacking. So say, enemy Old Ben is shocked, your EP uses his basic, Old Ben as a Jedi, as a Rebel, and being shocked, would take that passive damage three times. I could’ve wrong about Jedi and Rebel statuses stacking, but I’m certain the shock status stacks with the faction tag taking passive damage.
That being said, this passive damage is not counted as an attack, thus does not trigger a counter-attack. Also notable, the passive damage is unavoidable even with foresight, and does not remove the foresight buff. Last thing, this passive damage cannot kill/defeat a character. It brings them to 1 health, where they must be attacked again or finished from a DoT at the beginning of their turn.