Sadly sith are dead right now. I run zzDN lead, Zooku, Zid, Palp, and Vader. All Gear 11 and 7 star. Dropped from 30 to 130 within a week of CLS coming around. Had one battle where I took out all 4 of his teammates and CLS wiped me out single handedly. He countered every attack and stunned my team, then basically went to town On me. Even when I stunned him with Dooku or Palp, he instalntly healed and went twice. Seems like they've maybe even silently nerfed Sith. Zooku rarely goes twice anymore, DN doesn't seem to hit as hard as he used to, drain force rarely drops annihilate by more than 3 so it's useless because he's usually dead by the time that rediculous coooldown is done. Just the way of the game right now. Either you have CLS or you lose