Forum Discussion

Bizkibo's avatar
4 years ago

Culling Blade not working properly?

In this scenario, why is Vader's Culling Blade not giving 100% turn meter?

My arena squad consists of DR, Vader, Badstilla, HK, and Malak. When I go up against another similar squad in arena, I usually go first with DR, apply fear on everyone by attacking their leader, then swoop in with Vader and use Merciless Massacre to put DOTS on everyone, followed by a few rounds of just basic attacks on everyondebunks,

At this point I'll use Culling Blade on either their Badstilla or HK, whichever is weakest or has more debuffs, and try to knock them out. When i do manage to defeat them, I don't get 100% turn meter back to Vader. He shouldn't get fear applied to him since I'm not attacking Malak and he shouldn't not get the extra turn meter for targeting DR (not sure if that's how that interaction would go down but let's roll with it).

So why am I not getting that turn meter? What am I missing? Or is it just a bug in the game that hasn't been noted yet?
  • One more question about Gnawing Terror

    On Vader's unique No Escape it says he gets 8 speed for each Sith/Empire ally at the start of the encounter.

    Would Gnawing Terror cancel this.
  • "jasonjay;c-2221639" wrote:
    One more question about Gnawing Terror

    On Vader's unique No Escape it says he gets 8 speed for each Sith/Empire ally at the start of the encounter.

    Would Gnawing Terror cancel this.

    No. No Escape grants bonus speed, not bonus turn meter.

    Though open with Merciless Massacre if against Malak, as Gnawing Terror will prevent any bonus TM from Force Crush.
  • OK thanks.

    I was looking at different counters to DR/BSF/Malak. I saw one with Thrawn (L)/Vader/L3 where pretaunter takes Fear and then Vader gets to run MM.

    But then I noticed my Vader outspeeds DR if I use Vader (L), EP, Thrawn. So I should be able to use MM right at the start