9 years ago
Current "Ships Meta"? - Strongest fleet combination and admiral
This is really only directed at people who focus on fleet battles a lot and are near the top of or otherwise dominating their Fleet Arena shard. I am curious about what is the strongest combination and layout of ships for the Fleet Arena. What are good stand-alone ships, and what are strong synergies?
From what I have been able to gather, Ackbar is currently the strongest all-around Fleet Commander, but what are his best ships and synergies? Interested to hear everyone's thoughts, thanks!
Edit: Please specify between strength on Offense and strength on Defense, if there is any difference that you are aware of, it's possible the best ships are just best in all contexts.
From what I have been able to gather, Ackbar is currently the strongest all-around Fleet Commander, but what are his best ships and synergies? Interested to hear everyone's thoughts, thanks!
Edit: Please specify between strength on Offense and strength on Defense, if there is any difference that you are aware of, it's possible the best ships are just best in all contexts.