"SunFacYou;949691" wrote:
"Woodroward;949544" wrote:
"SunFacYou;949353" wrote:
"Woodroward;949265" wrote:
IMO the best all around team is a Mace lead with Biggs, Geonosian Soldier, Boba, FOTP, and Vader (if you have him, otherwise Tie Pilot) Backups would be Fives, Clone Sergeant, Ahsoka, and Scimitar.
So much target lock to aoe spam with mace, give boba many turns, make his special hit everyone, Make Biggs taunt and regenerate **** amounts of protection (they buffed how much he gets recently and boy is it noticeable), etc. etc. All the aoe spam lowers the cooldown on Mace's ultimate and has him go more often. All the tm gain makes boba able to use his ultimate more often. So much utility and offense. With all the target lock Mace should really only ever be casting his aoe or his ultimate. FOTP can spam his special on target locked targets. Scimitar giving Biggs counter attack has him target locking people and regenerating protection as they hit him. Biggs and GeoSol are assisting like mad too... It's a **** fleet.
Best defensive team by far is the full republic fleet starting out, possibly with Biggs in the starting 5, but he's less necessary in rotating tauntville.
Best offensive team? Tarkin with all sith and empire ships, resistance pilot, fives, Geonosian spy's ship for scimitar to target (calls all stealthed allies to assist), and Slave 1.
Tarkin gets massive bonuses for debuffs, This team has a lot of them and as much synergy as you can get with Tarkin. He is nothing but offense.
@Woodroward Geonosian soldier? Why though he brings essentially nothing to that team.. tie fighter in place of him would be much better cuz you would add another target locking ship which is the whole point of this fleet to spam AOEs and its the fastest ship so it will go first most of the time starting out with a target lock. The rest of the team though I completely agree with. I actually run this exact team and its unreal. It wouldnt be anywhere near as effective however if I used genosian soldier instead of my tie fighter. Idk if thats your actual team or not but if it is I'd highly suggest you to switch to tie fighter.. you'd see what I mean.
Well geonosian soldier's ship has an assist, and also assists himself randomly. He's like a relentless weak aoe just being in the group. His basic takes turn meter, so he is randomly taking turn meter from their whole team as well. He ups the damage ante. Tie Fighter Pilot would be good too I suppose, but having that assist handy could mean the difference between killing their ship or not especially since it's pretty much guaranteed to be the bonus damage version for target lock.
Not too long ago having geonosian soldier on your squad would lose you ranks on defense because his ai prioritized his basic attack over his assist... He never used his assist under ai control until a patch in the last week or two. It has been fixed, he is effective now.
Well I'm sure he does fine but what I'm saying is that a team built around target locks needs target locks lol you don't always land them, a extra ship that can add target locks at an extremely high rate with vaders ship in the squad is way better than a few random assists here and there and some tmr. through the length of the battle a few random assists will come nowhere near the amount of damage a target lock will with mace aoe and boba.
While I agree that making sure you have target lock is a high priority, I don't see any more people being or getting target locked with TFP over GS. The reason being is that 4/5 starting pilots and the command ship all inflict target lock on their basic attack and one of the ships makes target locks automatically refresh. It's not like you have to worry about that ship dying either because no one is going to get through Biggs's ship before they've lost 3. I could take another target locker off of this team and still have the entire enemy team perpetually target locked by the end of turn 2.
After a certain point stacking the same thing has diminishing returns and it is time to stack something else. Throwing another target locker in that squad won't make it more powerful at this point. Throwing some OTHER utility in there will, like tm reduction and continuous assists (he auto assists at a 50% rate and has a regular assist on a 3 turn cooldown. That averages out to over 8 extra attacks every 3 rounds of combat. Having averaged 10 basic attacks altogether in those 3 rounds means he has taken (at least) 150% turn meter from the enemy (or as much as 450%) in those 3 rounds.) You just aren't appreciating how powerful he actually is.