I don't care what anyone says, whether they are a developer, or a fanboi whale - the RNG in this game is either horrible, or there is more to it than what they tell us. I just lost an Arena battle, and my opponents' Daka did FOUR revives - FOUR revives. My Daka? None. Not one. Opponent's Daka? Stuns all over the place. My Daka? Two stuns. Two. On top of that, Dooku is stunning all over the place, and every time there was an assist, guess what? A stunned toon decided to waste the assist. Complete garbage.
Sometimes, it really appears that the game decides when you are going to win or lose, regardless of how things actually play out during the battle. It was clear that my otherwise equal opponent had everything going in his/her favor, far beyond statistical reason. It's like they are trying to compensate for the fact that they don't want to spend time making the AI intelligent, rather they just make sure you lose when they think you should.