Forum Discussion

Speedyck's avatar
6 years ago

Darth Revan Zeta Priority

I'd love to ask, what's your thought on, what should I Zeta first on Darth Revan, I could technically Zeta all on him, but im actually low on omegas, so I personally think, that I'm gonna put Omegas on all his abilities and then I'm going:
Lord of the Sith

Or should I switch it around?

2 Replies

  • I'm in a similar situation. Although I already dropped zeta mats on his leader (I feel like that is usually the best first place to start since that is generally something that can boost a whole team rather than one toon). But I can't decide on the other two. I'll have enought mats to drop one more zeta on him today. I'm thinking conqueror would be best since it'll it'll keep him from being attacked multiple times, but I the Villain ability would be great for keeping him alive and kicking...