Traya is amazing. Give her zetas at once and gear her to g13 if 7*. Yes that was a command. Trust me she's still one of the absolute best. Pretty much any other sith will work great with her, as long as they're properly developed, and both Nihilus and Sion is on the team. Personally I often use Maul, Savage, Dooku, Marauder and Assassin with the Trio, all except Assassin and Traya(6*) are g13. In rare cases when I can spare BSF for whatever reason, she will will supercharge the team into the extreme, as she will with any sith team. Palpatine I hear is also great with Traya, but I seldom get to use them together as they lead individual teams and it's just too much of a loss for me to use them together. But if you have few enough sith so to speak and could splice them with no loss then he's great with the Trio, with either as leader.