9 years ago
Did HK get nerfed?
Only a few days ago I would get consistent 5k crits on him but now he barely crits at all and when he does it barely does more damage than the usual attacks. Yesterday I was using him and a crit with ...
"Big_Boss;192377" wrote:
I think this is all silent balancing by the devs. Apparently according to other players GS, IG-86, HK, iG-88 are all hitting slightly softer in SOME modes not in all, point is that if they post the balancing people will cry that there nerfing them and if they say nothing and keep balancing slowly but surely then they dont get pounded by the forum. Even I have noticed that my QGJ is not one shooting Darth Maul like he use to easily and personally I like it that way.
I hope they keep up the great work