Forum Discussion

Dranninn's avatar
9 years ago

Dooku leader ability

Why does everyone think it's broke? I also know the Jesse commented on the bug forms saying it is, but if it truly is broken, then dooku lead ability will be extreamly oped and the new leader everyone uses

Why am I saying this? Because I've been running dooku as my lead in arena for a week now. My toons dodge around 30%-40% of the time, and I don't mean forsight dodgeing, I mean normal dodging. My team

Dooku lead

At least one toon has off up in my battles. The only time someone doesn't have off up is when it starts. Yes I do Yoda meditation at start which adds Eva up, but once that wears off my toons still dodge. I think this is about where his ability should be.

Maybe I'm wrong and I'm just extreamly lucky but it works pretty good right now. And for people that think dooku is op now, just wait till your hit by a off up dooku. 5300 dmg and if he attacks again, the toon is pretty much dead.

Can I get a few others to test this please so I can see if it's just me. I don't mean test for one fight, I mean for a couple days. Right now, I'm having a very easy time in arena with this build.
  • Nope my leader skill is rank 7, and it really seems to be fine.

    I made the switch after learning yodas meditation grants Eva up with dooku lead. But with the buff and without it I dodge around 1 every 3 to 4 attacks
  • I'll try it tomorrow in GW. I've been wondering if dookus leader was fixed. I faced him last week and the offense up/dodges were brutal.
  • "spetsnaztnt;190106" wrote:
    Just tried it in arena. 0 dodges.

    Thanks for trying it out! Wish I could have those ability mats back..
  • "Mazurka;190217" wrote:
    "spetsnaztnt;190106" wrote:
    Just tried it in arena. 0 dodges.

    Thanks for trying it out! Wish I could have those ability mats back..

    Patience, my young padawan :)
  • Hey DV! Yea I heard gonna get fixed, but I pretty much always use QGJ for leader these days, It just sucks to have spent mats on something that is worthless rn. What do you guys think the best dooku (L) squad would be? I'm thinking Count (L) Rey GS RG and then Sid/daka/ig-86