Forum Discussion

RustyGardenChai's avatar
9 years ago

Dooku or Phasma for lead

So my team in all gamemodes (I am f2p) is this team:
Phasma (lead)

Now this team was pretty good before the patch. I did okay, so I am not here to get new suggestions. I am not THAT interested in getting better. New characters take time, and I won't waste time getting them etc. only for them to get patched.

I use Phasma for lead almost all the time. Recently I started using Dooku in arena for lead, due to people saying his offense leader ability was great. But I don't feel like people in my squad dodges enough for him to be better than Phasma. What do you think??

Also all characters are level 70, gear 9.

Also specify if any of them leads better in other modes etc.

1 Reply

  • Thanks for all the feedback Guys!

    "Qleak;357383" wrote:
    It depends on how geared and leveled everyone is, but given just this info I'd say dooku is better for that lineup. You could really use some DPS by the way. :)

    Yeah i know. It was way better before the patch. However I don't really know which toons are high DPS characters anymore. Especially not anyone who could work with my team