Forum Discussion

r1asen66's avatar
2 years ago

DR counter using CLS, how does it work?

I'm working on Executor right now and after that I'll be building the Aurra+Zam BH team to counter DR.

Until then though, my best option for GAC is CLS since my own DR is on defense.
How does that counter work? What are the priorities and mechanics?

For example, in the upcoming round I may have to face a DR in defense which will have both Malak and SET.
I assume I should stun BSF first, then use the dispel skill on CLS to remove the taunt from SET and keep on going for BSF? Not sure if I should use the third skill on CLS first before the second one on SET.

Thank you!
  • You need to have a han-chewy relic advantage over BSF. She has to die in the opening salvo, or it is not going to go well.

    Back when I used this counter regularly I had figured out what the health+prot total was my team could bust through, I think it was around 115K?

    Usually a r5 BSF was right on the edge for my r7 team to be able to take down. Depends on mods.

    Sorry, but I don't remember the details of the rest of the counter.