So many replies and not even one mention of IG-100 (there's a great thread singing his praises from a few days ago). I've run droids for the last 6 months and IG-100 has become indispensable. With HK lead, he ends up being one of the fastest on the team owing to the TM gains he gets from his AoE and counters. He may not be the best at anything he does but he's -good- at -everything- he does. I've been sat in the top 50 for months and if I want to splash out on a refresh, I can usually get into the top 20. Recently I've had dramas with Dooku/Lumi leads and the beast that is Rey though. B2 should see to that (55 shards and counting).
But back to your lineup... I've got Poggle and JE quite closely levelled up so I can split my maxed out droids between two teams for Raids. In my experience, HK's lead is too good to pass up. The glass cannons 86 and 88 only get a couple of shots, if you're lucky, before they drop. You have to maximise those shots or you won't get your money's worth out of them. IG86 in particular is a delete button for enemy toons and is a great way to avoid triggering RG's taunt. Poggle's lead, although strong, doesn't give you enough bang for your buck before the IGs fall. I've consistently had better results with HK over Poggle. JE guarantees a revive but only as long as a droid dies before him and even then, they're so fragile they get put back down again.
IMHO, if you're using droids then you really have to go all in and use 4-5 of them to really see the benefit. I used to run the main 4 + Lumi as a combat healer. I swapped her out for JE but he was too squishy. Then GG came along and I've had a constant smile kn my face ever since.
... but seriously, look up that thread on IG100. He could be the droid you're looking for. ;-)