8 years ago
Droids officially dead.
So cg releases a plethora of anti crit characters.. Then they decide to give every faction multiple zetas and reworks while completely leaving droids in the dust. And then today I get the tiniest sli...
"DanielOng;930870" wrote:"SSB;930836" wrote:"Ig88isboss;930792" wrote:"SpadeFreeman;930781" wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I strongly disagree with the idea that Droid-users should just farm other squads. As someone who has actually done that (I have 3 full squads, almost a full Clone squad, and the beginning stages of a Sith squad), I can confidently say that nothing else is as entertaining as Droids. Almost every faction has a gimmick, and the Droid's one is simply the most fun. First Order have Advantage, Sith have debuffs, Clones have assists, but Droids have an obscene amount of TM gains.
My Rebel squad is considerable stronger than my Empire squad, but I still use Empire for practically all my GW battles. That's because Rebels are boring as ****. There's nothing interesting that they do differently to everyone else. They just do everything well, and that's it. I could probably finish GWs quicker, and get higher ranks in arena if I switched to Rebels. However, I refuse, because they're dull. I don't play this game simply to play this game, I play it for fun, and I have the most fun when I'm playing Droids. There's no good reason why I should have to not play the thing I have the most fun with simply because everything else is better.
Someone finally gets it.
Well, if you just play it for fun then what's the problem? You can still play them since you don't care which place you get in arena right? That's what you're saying.
Its not fun when you have max geared toons being walked over by lesser geared/starred toons just because they got a zeta stuck on them or some reworked abilities.
As a user with all droids at max gear, and having taken the long arduous f2p journey to get GG to 7*, it's kinda like a slap in the face.