7 years ago
Enfys Nest
I just wondered, is it international or a bug: Enfys Nest keeps regenerating 40% protection, no matter what you do? Even healing immunity debuff does not work at all (unlike fighting against Nihi...
"Cossin;c-1647444" wrote:
Why is everyone ignoring my specific points made?
I‘m not a whiny kid...
1. Nest did have close to none blue prot left (not even half a bar) and full hp. Rey attacked her, no dodge, nothing. 61k floats up but Nest didn‘t receive ANY HP DAMAGE just purple bonus prot.
2. So, your point is no matter the Team I MUST incorporate Nihilus (or any of the others... haha Traya :D our Guild cannot possibly do heroic Sithraid until maybe Christmas next year, although all of us play ever after the first year -with some dropouts- )to be able conveniently deal with her?
And my major point:
3. Why is it that „gain bonus protection equal to...“ is different to „ gains bonus protection equal to...“