5 years ago
Enfys Nest
What's the best leader to pair with Enfys Nest?
I'm looking to get the best out of her in Defence in both TW and GAC.
I'm looking to get the best out of her in Defence in both TW and GAC.
"Stenun;c-2063965" wrote:
Thanks for all the replies so far, greatly appreciated!
If we were to go with a Qi'ra led squad, it pretty much builds itself. Assuming your best Bounty Hunters are in Bounty Hunter led squad, that leaves Qi'ra, Enfys Nest, Han Solo, Chewbacca and your next best Scoundrel.for the theoretical squad we're currently looking at.
But what if we used Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) as the Leader?
Who's up for a theoretical exercise? :smiley:
We want to build a good Defensive Squad for Territory Wars and Grand Arena Championships. Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) is our Leader and Enfys Nest is our only other character so far. Who else do we put in?
We can't use any character who is engaged elsewhere so for the purposes of this exercise let's assume that's any character who commonly appears in squads in regular use these days. So no Clone Troopers or either Revan or any of their traditional mobs; not Padme or her normal gang or any Geonosians; no Imperial Troopers or Sith or the more powerful First Order characters; etc.
Who do we use?
At the moment, I'm looking at Aayla Secura and two other Jedi - possibly Qui-Gon Jinn and Luminara? But what about the Wampa?
Who would you use? Why?
"Stenun;d-224344" wrote:
What's the best leader to pair with Enfys Nest?
I'm looking to get the best out of her in Defence in both TW and GAC.
"Stenun;c-2065713" wrote:
Thanks very much for all the replies!
I've decided to go with zMaul leader and try the idea of having everyone cloaked other than Enfys. This requires a bit of theory crafting to put this together, especially as I've been advised to keep Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader for separate squads! I will start a new thread for this, however, with a more appropriate title.
Thanks once again!