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Athenas_Wrath's avatar
9 years ago

Ewoks during Raid

Ok so finally brought out my ewoks to play in a T5 raid because I've seen people talk about how great they are and I'm not seeing it. It seems to be all based around turn meter manipulation but I've only seen ES drop the rancors TM twice out of however many attacks, Teebo (level 79, 7* G9) is resisted 100% of the time so he never drops TM, and CC's TM gain and speed up only really matter when Rancor is inflicted with Speed down by 5's. However, 5's takes 3ish turns to land a speed down as he's always resisted so basically with Ewoks I spend 3-4 turns just trying to set things up and then rely on the fraction of a chance to drop TM by which time the Rancor has devour up and ruins everything anyway.

Why bother when I can just toss out Phasma L + 4 DPS and do 3x the damage in a fraction of the time? Am I missing something with the ewoks or doing something wrong?

10 Replies

  • Ewoks are amazing against the pigs. Kill the grunts and go full force on the captain. If you put RG or Fives (someone with speed down), and your ewoks are leveled up, you can prevent him from ever getting a turn
  • ewoks are amazing against rancor. i usually use them up in phase 1 so i can not remember if the TM works when rancor is toppled, but by 78 g9 teebo and 77 g9 scout both frequently land tm reductions when he is not toppled. my chipa and elder are ~ 72

    agains the pig's, they are even more devastating b/c elder clears the debuff and continues to manipulate the tm.

    depends on gear levels though, it is most important for scout/teebo b/c these can be resisted. I find chirpa and elder are not as gear dependent b/c they are buffing your own team (like ackbar) and resists/potency etc are not as relevant

    the above comments are for my experiences in t5. w/ level 70's ewoks and 75 RG i can do 600k on pigs.
  • Teebo at g9 reduces tm almost 100%, with a rare miss raid t5, scout, at g8, both lvl 80, is much less consistent but I believe his potency is not as high, but he still works. If ur ewoks aren't working, lvl them up, use teebo as lead, try QGJ with omega basic instead of chirpa, elder, scout, and use phasma as ur 5th. Best team using ewoks so far without having access to Rex.
  • My Teebo is level 79, 7* gear 9 and as I've said he's never once dropped TM. Rancor might be immune to that during topple, not sure, but even when he's not toppled he hasn't done it. He's about as high a level and as good gear as I could hope to get him so perhaps just a terrible RNG streak but regardless if its going to be this hard to make him useful I'm probably gonna drop Ewoks during Rancor.

    Haven't tried them against pigs though, next time I'll give them a go then and see how they do (if the Captain is easier to TM drop then Rancor).
  • "Athena;478333" wrote:
    My Teebo is level 79, 7* gear 9 and as I've said he's never once dropped TM. Rancor might be immune to that during topple, not sure, but even when he's not toppled he hasn't done it. He's about as high a level and as good gear as I could hope to get him so perhaps just a terrible RNG streak but regardless if its going to be this hard to make him useful I'm probably gonna drop Ewoks during Rancor.

    Haven't tried them against pigs though, next time I'll give them a go then and see how they do (if the Captain is easier to TM drop then Rancor).

    Look at his stats. How high is his potency? Also depends on the amount of tenacity of your opponent. The rancor has very high tenacity, especially in heroic, which is the attribute that allows for resisting the turn meter reduction. Generally speaking you need at least a potency of 100 to reliably land the turn meter reduction in tier seven.
  • I use Ewoks and have opened up a T5 raid against the pigs with a 750K damage single attack run. All because of Teebo lead and turn meter manip. I use Teebo, CC, EE, Phasma and Foo. I would certainly replace Phas and Foo with QGJ and 5s if I had them but don't so...I use them.

    The key is to get started properly. If the battle doesn't start perfectly, retreat and try again. And by perfectly I mean, Phasma inflicts speed down, Teebo self-stealths AND his first hit drops the TM on Rancor. Then I strategically use Phasma Victory March only in those crunch times when Teebo didn't stealth and I am still in cooldown. So I'll use VM to give him another chance to self stealth and even FOO for pinning shot to reduce TM and other strategies. Don't lose faith and give it a few more tries. When you get the groove going, you will love it.

    And yes Rancor is immune to TM reduction when toppled. It says that in the description over his head when you drop the door.
  • Alright so I guess I was using them wrong, next time I'll go ewok as my primary squad against the pigs then switch it up to straight dps during the rancor. When I need my ewoks on the rancor I'll make sure to not waste Teebo on toppled rancor.

    So a team of Teebo (L), EE, ES, CC and 5's good? Or should I use CC as the leader (perhaps on Rancor parts?), or drop EE and put in Rey or Phasma instead?
  • This guy has a good guide to using Teebo. I got 1.1M today in phase 1, Tier 6 using this.
  • Teebo should be lead because he self stealths. CC is a good leader in Arena but for a single target like Rancor? T for president!

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