Forum Discussion

AbC6017a3446257's avatar
7 years ago

Ezra fails to attack with "watch & learn" despite no debuffs? Why?

I've noticed that Ezra's assist sometimes fails for no apparent reason. The assisting toon attacks, but Ezra does not. What can cause this when he has no debuffs?
  • I am using him constantly and i've never saw him just staying there doing nothing. The only scenario that comes into my mind is if your target is getting killed by the character who assists, therefore there is nothing for Ezra to attack. Otherwise, debuffs like daze prevents assisting, but you said you have noticed no debuffs.

    I suggest you to test this a few more times, and if you see problem is persisting, go record it, then post it on Bug Report sub-forum. You may get a symbolic reward as well if you're right.
  • I've seen this myself but not been able to narrow down the cause. Started off thinking I must have missed a daze debuff or something. Then I thought it only happened when Thrawn and CLS were part of the team, but then it happened in the sith raid with a full phoenix squad so I have no further clues.

    That was a month or two back though and I thought the problem had been fixed. Not seen it happen recently.