Forum Discussion

Ziflock225's avatar
6 years ago

Farming Advice

Hey all,

So I don't post much around here but I'm looking for some advice on farming priorities. So most recently I mained BHs, one because they seemed good for multiple uses but more importantly I just love BHs and they have done well for me in raid damage and TWs.

I have got em all geared out well now with multiple G12s but Jango is still 6* and has about 70 shards to go. However my main focus shifted to ewoks after I got Chewie on the last rotation which I was super happy about. I knew I was giving up OR and Revan but I thought C3PO was equally a good idea for the eventual RotJ Luke.

However with Darth Revan also coming soon possibly or some other legendary at least I've wondered if ewoks was the right call. They still have a long way to go but my thinking is typically if I shift farming it's more detrimental than simply maintaing my focus then switching when it's done.

So basically, is C3PO a decent venture or am I ruining my potential here? In terms of legendaries I have them all bar C3PO, Jedi Rey and Revan. Our guild could certainly do with Sith raid damage so I briefly thought of Jedi Rey also. Finally my strongest squads are my BHs and my CLS team. What do you all think? Sorry if I missed anything out.

3 Replies

  • If you have started Ewoks, I would recommend finishing Ewoks. There are lots of choices available that will try and keep you splitting your focus; don't. Get your C3PO.

    Have a plan for getting him, then have a plan for your next farm / team so as you finish the Ewoks you can seamlessly transition those resources into another focused farm.
  • Shifting is only detrimental if you miss out on both what you shifted to and what you shifted from. So having a plan is ultimately the best strategy.

    As a FTP I always prioritize known requirements over rumored requirements. Yes all signs point to a dark side OR legendary or journey character coming soon, but we know when C3P0 is coming back and we know he is useful in many areas of the game.

    I think your smartest move is to have ewoks as your primary focus and keep the other options secondary until you are ready for 3P0.
  • Thanks, I thought sticking with it might be best. Out of curiosity what are C3PO's best applications?