@Desertfox1024 @Snowbird13 Thanks for the advice. Should I continue working on my light side GR ships, like Ahsoka, Anakin, and Fives? I haven't invested hardly anything into Mace, I just always get his shards from ally points packs. I have been doing some hard battles for the GR Y Wing, should I put this on hold?
DesertFox said that the geos with 2 of the others would be best. Aren't Vader and Boba's ships hard to get? I hardly see them in the Fleet store, plus I have enough Cantina shipments to get with Ahsoka and Fives.
I'll look into the TIE bomber. I doubt I'll unlock it from galactic chase, since I don't really buy Cantina refreshes at all with crystals, I'll have to wait until I can farm it.
Also, should I do any normal battles for the geonosians, or just buy them from the fleet store? I'll start adding in Kylo Unmasked while I farm B2 as well.