Forum Discussion

Schwartzring's avatar
5 years ago

Finalizer Event - Help Please

So when the new FO/Rest Ships dropped a few months back I noticed I was 6/7 in DS ships & thought, ok, wow, that might be worth farming a ship for just to open a new capital ship. Especially since the Shuttle was nearly open when it happened.

Fast forward a couple months, and I finally dinged 7* with Kylo's Shuttle this week the morning of the Finalizer event.

Did the 7* battle fine, went into the bonus tier, and SPLAT.

Repeat many times..... SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT.

WTH is up with this event?

I fully realize that 2 of my 8 aren't great but come on, I've got the other 6 at G11 to R5. This was ridiculously hard & I finally said screw it & I'll try again in 2 weeks.

Really, it shouldn't have come to that with my ships. See fleet below.

I've searched on line for strats to see if I was doing something wrong but found nothing. The AE's just kill every single ship, even the G12 ones till you are down to Bossk v/s the Armada.

Looking for some help here for later this month.

I'll have some more cash so I should have some better levels & a couple pieces of gear on the final 2 ships by then.

Any helpful assistance would be appreciated.