You need KRU and FOST, the team can't survive long enough w/o both tanks. You need the zeta on KRU's leadership. After that the lineup is a little more flexible. I personally think FOX is a must have as well as FOO. After that you've got Og Kylo, FOSFTP and FOTP (and Phasma but she's pretty useless in a longer battle unless she's in the lead). I personally vote zKRU, zFOST, FOX, FOO, FOSFTP > og Kylo > FOTP >> Phasma. I've hit just under a million with a full g12 team of zKRU, zFOST, FOX, FOO, FOTP, but guildmates with FOSFTP as the fifth have done the most with the team. og Kylo is easier to keep alive than FOTP and does more for the team than FOTP does, but SFTP has very good synergy with FOX to have a nice consistent dmg and tm train.