Forum Discussion

Hoffman72510's avatar
7 years ago

Fleet lineup question

*Disclaimer--This account is only level 68 so I'm asking for ideas with what I have, not what I need* Wow that sounded rude haha, I swear it's not meant to!

With recent additions to my fleet I want to make sure I'm using the best of what I have. I'm pretty sure I am and I've been shooting up the ranks but better to get opinions!

My ship lineup in order of their power,

Phantom 2 (these 2 are double the rest due to maxing my phoenix squad and are 100% essential as of now)
Biggs (currently upgrading character)
Jedi consular
ITF (currently upgrading character)
Resistance X wing
Geo soldier
Clone sergeant

My lineup is Ghost/phantom/biggs/ITF/FOTF with Aksoka and resistance X-wing as reserves. I'm also using GMT as my commander but wondering if I should switch to home 1 for the time being? My current goals in ships is zeta and thrawn command so I need 2 more dark side and 2 more rebels.

Is my lineup ok or should I do some switching around?

2 Replies

  • id use home one on offense and tarkin on defense. add more reliable target lock in the future but with what u currently have thats about the ebst u can do
  • "Gore;c-1462376" wrote:
    id use home one on offense and tarkin on defense. add more reliable target lock in the future but with what u currently have thats about the ebst u can do

    I was thinking about flip flopping FOTF and the X-wing, both would stay in the lineup but the X wing has a slightly more reliable target lock being on an ability, although it gets resisted way to damn often. I'll probably swap ahsoka for the next target lock ship I get, she was just a quick and easy farm, then again her dispel comes in handy.