3 years ago
Fleet yay or nay
Hello there, so after finishing Slkr, I'm passively farming the Tickets for his ult and building CLS at the same time. All good. One thing what is currently bothering me is ships. I do not know that ...
"Waqui;c-2349847" wrote:"Skler;c-2349766" wrote:
First of all, thank you for your advice. For now i think my plan will be to push that FO Fleet a bit further and then start hording gear and farm the gear shards for the missing Characters and Ships till the next road a head. Sounds like a solid plan."Waqui;c-2349743" wrote:
A 210 Million GP guild which isn't doing Geo TBs?! You should try convincing them to switch immediately.
Well, i talked with my guild about this. I never did Geo TB before because of my break from the game but i'm certain that if they start investing in the units, it will be better than Hoth TB. From what i've heard the last time they tried Geo TB, they got like 6* total. That's why they stopped.
With your 85 million ship GP and 125 character GP, you can score 10 stars in LS Geos TB solely by deploying. Let me know if you want help with strategy. In DS Geos you can win considerably more. You can see and compare the rewards you can win on Hoth and Geonosis respectively here:
If your guild insist on staying on Hoth I'd recommend to move again.