"Minowara;996043" wrote:
"BrillO;996032" wrote:
"MAndrewMX;102690" wrote:
So FO has been one of my faves. I've put off zader, etc. Got zPhasma, zylo, today zFOTP. I've seen devs showing it off. Show them besting almost every zeta squad but when they say the next meta, I still don't see them in my arena anywhere but me. Perhaps an Elite Meta squad? Underrated? Overrated? Thoughts?
It's a bit of a hard commitment. I'm the only one using them in my top fifty. July 2015 shard.
July 2015? I thought the game was released in November 2015.
The zeta didn't even come out for FO until like January. Felt like they always had synergy but as I complete my zeta squad just hope I shouldn't have done what everyone else did with zeta and sid empire