If it comes back monthly, which seems to be the plan, it will take 26 months to get her to 7*. Spending just over 10,000 crystals to refresh once every time it comes back shortens that to 13 months to get her to 7*.
The regular rewards are 2-4 Zeta mats. Which we all know means two. So having a 7* Mother Talzin only gets you slightly over one Zeta ability a year. Personally it's not worth spending around $70 worth of crystals to start farming 1 Zeta ability per year in 13 months instead of 26 months.
By the way, this is not a complaint. It's just a cost/benefit analysis. The event runs too infrequently, and takes way too long to see any return on your investment to be worth refreshing. I'll just wait the 2.167 years to get my 7* Mother Talzin. Same goes for Wicket.