Forum Discussion

wearesyke's avatar
8 years ago

For all those Darkside lovers! IT IS POSSIBLE! (Pics inside)

This will be a long post about this game. If you want to read the TL;DR just skip to the bottom

I love the darkside, specifically the Sith. I first unlocked Nihilus at level 35 from his marquee event at 3* (I solo'd the entire event with him and it made me fall in love with him). I don't spend a ton of money on this game, I would be smaller than a dolphin, but I have spent on a few crystal boosters here and there. My shard is December 2016 for reference of difficulty.

I have always stuck to my Nihilus lead team, through every meta change and have always held top 50 at least. I used to run dooku/vader/maul, then dooku/palpatine/sith trooper then savage/sith assassin/sith trooper. Through it all I have held top 50 against those players who have definitely spent a lot more than I have.

But i wanted more. Top 20 was in my sights but I couldn't beat the sea of Wiggs/Chaze/R2. Burning was destroying my team. Wiggs was too powerful and savage couldn't cleanse fast enough. I had to switch it up. So i started running a new squad, one that I named (patent pending) "The Wall". Nihilus lead, Sass, Sith Trooper, and Chaze (I got full pulls of sith trooper and baze from the only chromium i ever bought lol). This squad allowed me to cleanse the burning, or put tenacity up first instead. And baze allowed me to wipe the stealth that R2 would put up, allowing me to kill wedge right away. My goals were achieved and top 20 every day was upon me.

But I wanted more. Top 10 is where the big boys hang out. "Welcome to the big leagues" i told myself. They don't really shift around a lot, just doing the battles it takes to get first for Payout and thats it. But I had to figure out how to beat the new wave of teams....CLS, raid han, GK/Zarris, and even faster R2's. "The Wall" (Patent pending) was not cutting it. I lost so many times in a row that I almost gave up. "Maybe the Rebels are just better" i told myself. But there was one gleaming hope. The Thrawn event was starting in 2 days, and I just finished 7* my phoenix team. So I put everything I had into the Thrawn event and got him at 7*! But now I had to gear him, you can't use anyone under g10 in arena right?? I got him to g9 and level 80 but i was out of credits from leveling up my phoenix team to 85 the day earlier and I was 100 carbantis short of g10! "I have nothing left to lose" i said to myself and I clicked on arena

I was sitting at 21 with 2 hours till payout. Not bad, just one win and I get top 20. That's all I have ever been able to do, and that's ok. 200 crystals is still awesome. I remove Baze from the squad, and sub in Thrawn at 7* level 80 and gear level 9 with 222 speed. Nothing to write home about. The first squad is easy: Wiggs, Chaze, R2. I now sit in 16th place. This is usually where the road ends, I just can't beat the top end teams.
Next was a scary Zaul team for 11th. Here is the squad:
What was a very tough team before, became very simple. I fractured his Nihilus and I coasted to victory with 5 standing. 11th place was mine! Time to kick it up a notch and play with the WHALES!
Next was a team I had never beaten before in 20+ tries! For 7th. Here is the squad:
A 268 zzR2D2, 258 zCLS, zBarris, zNihilus with GK lead. I fractured his CLS and wittled down his Nihilus. Because of Sass, I beat him to Annihilate and killed his Nihilus. Sass finished off CLS and it was over! With 5 still standing! 7th place was mine! I was over the moon excited. BUT I WANTED MORE!
Next was another team I had never beaten. This time for 3rd. Here is the squad:
Basically an all G12 Threxus team, zzR2D2, zNihilus, Thrawn, GK. This was an amazing battle, I fractured his Nihilus and killed Rex as fast as I could. I won the Annihilate race again and killed Nihilus. Thrawn fell to Sass and it was over! I had taken 3rd for the first time! I was shaking like a dog in the cold and I HAD to try and take first for my payout for the first time!
Last was the all gold team. The battle for first. This team is a monster and I went in with ZERO hope. Here is the squad:
zBarris lead, zATF with ALL G12 PIECES ADDED, zzR2D2, and Gold Chaze. What was an expected blowout, ended up being a magnificent symphony of thrawn and Sass speeding up my Nihilus. I annihilated 3 toons: zATF first to get the damage out, R2D2 second to stop the stuns, and Chirrut third cause I hate him. WIth 1 minute remaining I still had a zBarris and baze to go. But with the Nihilus lead, I wasn't worried cause I can't crit! I crushed zBarris with Sass and finished off a fractured baze to win. I HAD TAKEN FIRST PLACE FOR PAYOUT! IT WAS OVER!
My team has ZERO Zetas. Sith Assassin is my fastest toon at 242. I don't even have the speed mod challenge unlocked yet. No CLS. No GK. No zBarris. No R2D2. My Thrawn was Level 80 and gear 9 lol. GEAR 9 in first place!!!!
It IS possible to get first without using the meta teams. I have actually gotten first for the last 3 days in a row now! I still dodge CLS lead teams, I still hate zHan, and sometimes I have to buy a 50 crystal refresh, but IT IS POSSIBLE!
Thanks to anyone who has actually read this far. I have been grinding to get first for 8 months. I made a lot of mistakes when I first started, but it has been worth it. What a ride, what a feeling, and I look forward to more 500 crystal inbox messages!
My SWGOH account for those interested:

Over the past 8 months I have been using my Nihilus lead team to fight the meta. The day after I unlocked Thrawn at 7* i managed to beat several teams I have never beaten before to take 1st place for payout for the first time in my career on this game. My team has ZERO Zetas. Sith Assassin is my fastest toon at 242. I don't even have the speed mod challenge unlocked yet. No CLS. No GK. No zBarris. No R2D2. It IS possible to get first without using the meta teams, it just takes a bit more time and a lot more patience!

Thanks for reading!