6 years ago
Fun Old Republic Squad?
With all the Old Republic toons that are out and with Kotor being one of my favorite games, I'm trying to think of a squad that'd be both nostalgic but still somewhat efficient in gameplay. I was t...
"Stokat;c-1787163" wrote:"Ikky2win;c-1786934" wrote:
I love the carth team, though I use Nest as the 5th. zCarth, zZaalbar, zMission, Ordo, zNest. I haven’t geared Juhani yet, but so far the team is a ton of fun and the assists are amazing. I really want try it out with Boba as the 5th too. Stack a ton of dots and then use Bobas Rocket....
I have done the exact same thing and I love it too. It is a really fun squad to pay with and they pull tons of assists! The drawback is that they don’t do much damage (apart from mission who is a decent hitter) which is one reason I also use Nest as fifth (the other is that I don’t have Juhani geared, but I guess that she would make a good substitution for Neat in a TW/GA def team).