7 years ago
G12 Ewoks? Ouch.
Just faced this team in GA. It crushed my Finn team and I did not get to move. Their Wicket was one speed faster than my Poe. I figured I would still get a taunt off. I was wrong. I ended up beatin...
"Roopehunter;c-1736824" wrote:
Traya lead counters them bad. Its kind of a waste tho, but its great to see them suicide...
Assajj lead works too, for similar reasons. (assajj for 50%tm gain, to inflict plague and watch them die)
Elder would be your normal target, as he generates most tm, however, she is tanky, and it isnt too easy to ignore paploo.
Id rather just use thrawn to go first, then swap to ep for full team shock. Ideally put in a dazer (maul or bastilla) for after shock times.