5 years ago
GA squads
I'm in div 4 of ga and Im looking at making the following squad for my defence:
Qira, nest, l3, vandor chewie and zbariss
Is this a viable defensive team/worthwhile?
I then have the issues of not knowing what to do on the following squads:
Jkr, yoda, bastilla, jolee, 5th slot
Should I use barriss, ezra or old Ben in this slot? Or could plo or qui gon be viable?
Cls, chewie, raid han, r2, 5th
Any recommendations? Was thinking stormtrooper han?
Nute, dooku, jango
Who would you recommend for slots 4 and 5? Nest and l3 were being considered, anyone got better suggestions?
The issue I have is that making that first team above means I need to fill slots in other teams so would appreciate any recommendations :)
Qira, nest, l3, vandor chewie and zbariss
Is this a viable defensive team/worthwhile?
I then have the issues of not knowing what to do on the following squads:
Jkr, yoda, bastilla, jolee, 5th slot
Should I use barriss, ezra or old Ben in this slot? Or could plo or qui gon be viable?
Cls, chewie, raid han, r2, 5th
Any recommendations? Was thinking stormtrooper han?
Nute, dooku, jango
Who would you recommend for slots 4 and 5? Nest and l3 were being considered, anyone got better suggestions?
The issue I have is that making that first team above means I need to fill slots in other teams so would appreciate any recommendations :)