"Beaks;c-2007935" wrote:
The way I look at GAC is which squads generally do better on DEF.
For me it’s DRevan North, JRevan South.
Also mods play a HUGE roll.
Example; I use a Helmet Squad along with DRevan so I know they will be hit 1st.
( Veers, Starck, SnowTrooper, MagmaTrooper, StormTrooper. )
I have my Storm setup with 4 Offense, 2 Health but along with Def/Tenacity secondary perks so he can take a hit while taunting and not get a debuff.
My SnowTrooper I set up for pure Crits due to 1 of his specials.
Biggest advice is use mods to play off what you want that character to “ specifically “ do while in combat. Sure DEF Squad follows a gambit system you can still alter it some due to mods.
Some examples I say ( opinion ) are good for DEF squads are IMPERIAL TROOPERS lead by Veers, FO Lead by Kylo UM, Ewoks ( very underestimated squad ) and Both Revan’s, Bounty’s. ( BHs to me are the JACK of all TRADES meaning they have a Lead for just about anything and can possibly beat any squad. )
Worth noting that playing heavy defense (I'd consider both Revans on D a pretty heavy defense) becomes progressively less and less effective as you rise through divisions. As the total GP of your matchups goes up, your opponents will have more and more viable teams, which makes it more likely that they'll be able to clear you. And now you're short two great teams on offense, making it more likely that you'll have failed attempts and low banners.
Also, Imperial Troopers are disastrously bad on defense later on. They're just way too easy to counter. They're much better used on offense to wipe out a weak back-line team without taking any damage. First Order aren't amazing on defense either since the AI can't use the Officer effectively, though they do perform better than Troopers.
Agreed on mods being huge though. At a certain point your actual teams become secondary to how good you are at modding.