Forum Discussion

Intrapole's avatar
3 years ago

GAC Fleet points issue

So I noticed today while gleefully unleashing my new Executor on my opponents fleet that you are penalised in GAC fleet battles for using min ships. I used Exec, Bossk, Mando and Cad. Flawless win for 67 banners.

CG could you please look at this and have a think about consistency, I’m rewarded for underdogging when Wampa slaps the Bad batch into oblivion solo with 78 banners, but penalised in fleets?…..Considering we aren’t exactly flush for ships.
  • did someone die? even when I use just 4 ships with Executor I get around 72 banners minimum. Or did your Executor get nuked?

    Also the max a squad toon can achieve is 69 so you counted your first attack +10 banners there.
  • Yeah just realised I quoted the first battle bonus +10. So technically Wampa got 68.

    Nope Exec was fine, I probably missed some banners at the last second on Cad and Mando fm an AOE…when you leave a comment quickly and in shock after getting 67 banners.

    Honestly I was expecting 72+ banner win, if no one else is noticing this with just three ships…..I just can’t understand how the score was so low for not losing a single ship.
  • Do you have less than a 7* Exec? You get docked a banner for not being able to fill all reinforcement slots. That's the only way you can get docked banners. You absolutely do better for having undersized fleets. If you had a 67, it wasn't flawless regardless of not having a 7* Exec. You were missing banners from protection and maybe health if you got that score.
  • Arghh! Thanks I didn’t think about the Exec not being 7*. Many thanks for the info and feedback, the average score makes sense now.
  • I think you may not get as many kill banners if opponent's ship isn't 7* either.