"KwikShotaAce;c-2458684" wrote:
And my slkr is modded fine.
Apparently not for that counter, and that still doesn’t address your faulty claim that swgoh.gg are providing false information.
"KwikShotaAce;c-2458685" wrote:
2 of my post you Come on here defending CG like their knight in shining armor.
CG make lots of mistakes, I’m hardly one of their biggest cheerleaders. The difference is if I’m going to call them out on something and demand better then I have proof so they can act on it. Like with a recent GC where I was able to file a bug report too. I’ll happily support others who make well evidenced claims too. But assuming CG have very limited resources for bug fixes and QC, as suggested by their very slow turn around on most technical issues, I’d rather CG chase down real bugs as evidenced by players and as appropriately reported rather than the “bugs” which you are apparently the only one experiencing and for which there is no evidence. YMMV