My hunters were nowhere near good enough even for the Paploo tier last month when it came around but I worked hard and got all my OT hunters to gear 9 or above (Bossk is g11 which is as high he can get at 4*) and I barely squeaked through the ROLO tier both attempts this time. Both times I lost one of my squishier hunters to ROLO's AOE in the last battle, first time Greedo, second IG-88. Spamming Bossk's taunt is what helped me keep the others alive enough to beat it except for that damn AOE. Hopefully I'll have the other hunters to g11 when the bounties come back around so I can go for IPD or Wampa. Of course, having a zeta on Bossk's leader probably would have helped keep Greedo/IG-88 alive but I lacked that.