Forum Discussion

Quadmethyl's avatar
4 years ago

Galactic War Bastila Shan Leader Ability

So if you face a Bastila lead, Jolee, Yoda, Old Ben, Ezra Bridger team in the last node of Galactic War you should just restart Galactic War unless you have Revan correct? Considering that node to be significantly higher in power than my first 5 characters its just an overpowered team that constantly has Yoda going over and over just doing his parkour lightsabering dance of death from the windows to the walls. Its just exhausting to play well and then throw your whole roster at a team that is based off of a ridiculously overpowered leader ability and get chewed to pieces. Nerf the damned ability to where it doesn’t recharge after every battle. You know, like everyone else’s protection. At least I could whittle down Yoda by throwing an army at him.
  • Good News is, that team is one of your earliest GOOD teams that is easy for YOU to farm & use in Arena

    As for beating that team....

    Geo's do it well, I think Sisters can with a little luck, anyone w/ plenty of dispels will really gimp that team by stopping the Basti/Yoda buff combo from going off.
  • UC-mariogsh's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Overpowered ablity... lol

    Wait till see GL's

    Tbh, the most annoying abilities for me are the NS, the zombie reviving again the 2 times... Ugh
  • "Llennob;c-2245600" wrote:
    I think with my luck Bastila is always zeta leadership and Yoda is like Gear lvl 12. The other three jedi just watch Yoda do his crazy windmill somersaults set on puree and drink a beer while nothing gets through his silly level of protection, resisting every debuff, and he is free to just deal death. His ability might as well say, “one shot kill any character of the opposition besides Bossk” because that is basically what happens. I would love to see a jawa team just murder that lineup..... just for the sheer vengeance.

    Fracture should still work on him I think, if you have Thrawn. Mods and speed go a long way as well. Remember that Bastila lead starts them with tm, so having your own team preloaded before hand is almost essential.

    Of course, you are probably just at that point in roster development where node 12 is going to be difficult. I remember how happy I was back in the day when I finally beat a Zaul squad on node 12 after sending 7 teams at it. As your roster grows, GW will become a cake walk.
  • You can easily deal with bastile without lead zeta and without jolee revive if you have palp thrawn vader
  • I think with my luck Bastila is always zeta leadership and Yoda is like Gear lvl 12. The other three jedi just watch Yoda do his crazy windmill somersaults set on puree and drink a beer while nothing gets through his silly level of protection, resisting every debuff, and he is free to just deal death. His ability might as well say, “one shot kill any character of the opposition besides Bossk” because that is basically what happens. I would love to see a jawa team just murder that lineup..... just for the sheer vengeance.
  • Be glad you no longer have to complete GW 125 times before you can sim it! :D
  • Yes, sim is nice. I’ve just acqiesced to the Palp Vader train. Its annoying to see the combo that has destroyed me dozens of times be so easy to walk through multiple teams with.
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Llennob;c-2346985" wrote:
    Yes, sim is nice. I’ve just acqiesced to the Palp Vader train. Its annoying to see the combo that has destroyed me dozens of times be so easy to walk through multiple teams with.

    I suppose that since you’re banned you’re thinking the only course of action is to necro posts from a year ago?