Forum Discussion

hamnier's avatar
8 years ago

Galactic War Guide

This Guide Benefites Whom:

This guide is for anyone who has not yet cleared the 50 wins to be able to sim it! It is geared a bit more towards higher leveled players (as I assume you will be a bit higher before you can start simming), but I include notes for lower levels as well.

My Qualifications:

I have been a player since early 2016, and I play almost every day (aside from a year hiatus for family stuff). I have completed GW every day since late March of that year except for 1 or 2 times each month. This guide has my tried and proven strategy, which has survived multiple updates, rehashes on how the difficulty is measured, and even jumping back in with old teams into a new pool of power creeped toons.


The way the difficulty of the Galactic War is determined evolves as the game does. There are many factors that go into it including who you fight in the PvP arena and your level. Dropping really low in the arena won’t make the GW super easy, nor will going to level 85 make it extremely hard, because there are many factors which go into it.

When it comes to Galactic War, there is no real “dream team” that you want to aim for. I have a few teams that I have specifically developed for the various parts of the game, but I will try to talk more generically in this guide, talking about what a character or team can do rather than the characters themselves (ie. a fast attacker rather than Initiate or Ahsoka). That said, some of the meta teams these days definitely have the potential for sweeping all 12 nodes, but by the time you get one of those teams, you should already be able to sim.

My strategy assumes a player will reset as many times as is needed to get the most desired result. These days it typically only takes me at most 30 minutes to finish GW (when I don't sim), but it could take an hour or two if you are still putting together some good teams.

Now lets get you those 50 wins!