Unfortunately the guide needs to be dramatically updated. When it was done I don't even know if there was a possibility to simulate GW. That value in node 12 wins has fallen from 150 to 50. When you go from 50 full wins, you push the simulation button and GW ready every day you don't want to test.
Main recommended team is the beginner phoenix in the early farm guides and this should be put. the other possible alternate starting teams (and lower starting team choices, for various reasons for F2P), both have recovery of protection and life, but only with Leader Zeta skills.
Another farm that is recommended as soon as possible is Bastila Shan who is the second best Jedi leader, plus the obvious sync with the Phoenix Jedi for extra protection and more turn gauge by the leader if you take them all down before raising. of overturned protection, you don't need to focus on healing, giving GW great viability. Obviously she is just an available character of level 49+ under F2P conditions.
Another team that solves is the imperial troopers, especially if you have 5 troopers, one being Snow and the veers zeta, is virtually a chance to make the war virtually all automatic since at least you will have 75% turn. for all your characters and 90% for snow. Chance of your enemies to act and if they have counter attack. Troopers are a super viable team if you get to farm if you are in a real guild. This strategy still works without veers zeta but its efficiency is not so certain as part of this turn gain is chance.
Another obvious tip is to use the first two battles with different teams so that they both have their turn meters loaded.
Anyway congratulations for the initiative.