I appreciate all the insight. You are right, I have been sacrificing gear farming for toon farming. Gearing Phoenix is one thing I had been thinking about, but of course all those stun guns are killing me in that aspect. I have poor luck on farming those. At this point, I'm down to 11 hard node farms (really 10 since Sion/Ren's shuttle are the same node). Of the 11, I'm currently focusing on Sion, Holdo, Baze and Ren's shuttle and Millennium Falcon. I have also been doing Dooku's two hard nodes since they are only 12 energy. With the endless rumors of a Separatist rework, I figure I should get him to 7* since I have him down to 116 shards to go. I will be hitting his cantina node once I finish FOE.
The KRU lead zeta is one that had crossed my mind as well. I have let them slide since I got BB-8. I would like to get BB-8 and Rey to G12, but it always seems that is someone else who can better use the gear pieces when I get them. At this point, my guild is quite a ways off from heroic sith.
In TB, I do pretty well. In LS, I can usually finish combat missions until the last phase. My R1 definitely needs a boost gear wise. I also need to finally get Baze to 7*. In DS, I finally was able to beat the PD mission once I put the zeta on Veers. I think my Bounty hunter team could use some work as well. I can beat the mission with the two waves of Wampas, but run into trouble in the later round that requires them.
I was going to go all in on gear farming once I knocked off a few more hard node toons. Besides the ones I mentioned above, I still need URoRRuR'R'R, Krennic, Lobot, Rose, Visas, and Bossk. Of those, I think Bossk may be the only must have. Maybe Visas and Rose if they are needed for a Hero's journey.
I wonder if investing in Bastilla and the Yodas might be a wise choice as well.