Forum Discussion

mandaloreemt42's avatar
9 years ago

general grevious.

He any good? Ive been hording my shard shop creds. I could buy him or just wait till i find people i need.(which is far and few)
  • Well he's pretty flimsy and very slow, but his basic hits hard. Useful in raids when combined with the other droids (hk as lead preferably).
    So far raiding has been his only use but who knows what the future holds.

    As the shart shop is so useless I'd buy him and be done with it. That way he's there if he ever gets a nice buff from the devs
  • You'll only regret it if they remove him, buff him, then make you farm him shard by shard! But I'm sure they wouldn't do that :smile:
  • He's probably the best Attacker at whatever his star level happens to be, but since it takes a while to raise his ranking he can lag behind. So it's a time investment with a payoff if you're patient. I ground him out once I had maxed out Luminara, Phasma, Sidious, and was close to finishing Daka and Mace Windu. It took about five or six weeks, and I feel like it was worth it--plus, it's just kind of neat to be able to say that I've got this guy that none of my friends have.

    Personally? I say go for it, unless there's someone else you're just dying to get with a certain type of currency--like, if you're super psyched to max out IG-88, then go for it. But otherwise, why not?

    I'll say this, though--if you see Darth Vader shards pop up in the shop for 300 tokens, always, always, always buy those. You'll thank yourself later.
  • That's a good point. I should say that I'm having trouble gearing him up, been stuck on those purple dog tag things for a while now...
  • Lots to think about. I think I will hold off. Wait and see if Rex, Echo, or clone sergeant pop us in the shop. Also phasma i also like her and use her for lead