7 years ago
General Shard Farming/Character Gearing Advice
When farming a toon, should I be spending the crystals to refresh the node to get another 8 (16, 24) tries to farm up a single toon quicker or spread the love to multiple nodes (and thereby saving the crystal refreshes)?
With gearing, I seem to have hit a nice wall in the G8 area with many of my toons. Is it better to keep focusing on a single toon to gear 11/12 or get several up to G9-10?
My profile if helpful: https://swgoh.gg/p/322485828/
With gearing, I seem to have hit a nice wall in the G8 area with many of my toons. Is it better to keep focusing on a single toon to gear 11/12 or get several up to G9-10?
My profile if helpful: https://swgoh.gg/p/322485828/