Forum Discussion

ggagner123's avatar
5 years ago

Good maths

200% of 0 = 0

What is the point of giving a payout ability that do nothing at all?

  • That defence penetration stat says 0% for all characters. Ignore it. It should maybe be removed, as it's one of the most confusing stats for a lot of players.

    "Defence penetration" is an umbrella term that covers armour penetration (when you are using attacks that deal physical damage) and resistance penetration (for special damage attacks).

    All Boba's attacks are physical damage, so look at the armour penetration you have and times that by 200%.
  • "KruinephPennigton;c-1993274" wrote:
    "UdalCuain;c-1993262" wrote:
    That defence penetration stat says 0% for all characters. Ignore it. It should maybe be removed, as it's one of the most confusing stats for a lot of players.

    "Defence penetration" is an umbrella term that covers armour penetration (when you are using attacks that deal physical damage) and resistance penetration (for special damage attacks).

    All Boba's attacks are physical damage, so look at the armour penetration you have and times that by 200%.

    Well why in the kit they dont change it to armor penetration. Because if in the cause its coded to go with Defense penetration that payout give nothing at all. if its coded to influence armor penetration it should be allright. I personaly never seen a dif of damage when boba got his payout... if it realy work we should see a big diff

    Because it also includes special defense penetration. And rather have a separate code for every character that can receive a defense pen buff or payout it's easier to have a catch all system . It's like having + damage or offence % on a mod ,there is no offence stat but there is a physical and special damage.
  • "Lol CG is dumb"
    "No, you just don't understand how it works"
    "Oh, well, LOL CG is dumb"
  • "UdalCuain;c-1993262" wrote:
    That defence penetration stat says 0% for all characters. Ignore it. It should maybe be removed, as it's one of the most confusing stats for a lot of players.

    "Defence penetration" is an umbrella term that covers armour penetration (when you are using attacks that deal physical damage) and resistance penetration (for special damage attacks).

    All Boba's attacks are physical damage, so look at the armour penetration you have and times that by 200%.

    Well why in the kit they dont change it to armor penetration. Because if in the cause its coded to go with Defense penetration that payout give nothing at all. if its coded to influence armor penetration it should be allright. I personaly never seen a dif of damage when boba got his payout... if it realy work we should see a big diff
  • "KruinephPennigton;c-1993274" wrote:
    "UdalCuain;c-1993262" wrote:
    That defence penetration stat says 0% for all characters. Ignore it. It should maybe be removed, as it's one of the most confusing stats for a lot of players.

    "Defence penetration" is an umbrella term that covers armour penetration (when you are using attacks that deal physical damage) and resistance penetration (for special damage attacks).

    All Boba's attacks are physical damage, so look at the armour penetration you have and times that by 200%.

    Well why in the kit they dont change it to armor penetration. Because if in the cause its coded to go with Defense penetration that payout give nothing at all. if its coded to influence armor penetration it should be allright. I personaly never seen a dif of damage when boba got his payout... if it realy work we should see a big diff

    It adds to both, but Boba has no benefit from the resistance penetration due to only using physical damage attacks. See mechanics from below:

  • Why do you say there is no offense stat? Just because there is not an ID that reads it out to you doesn't mean it isn't there. If it wasn't then +offense would be the silliest secondary stat in the game
  • "Mephisto_style;c-1994106" wrote:
    Why do you say there is no offense stat? Just because there is not an ID that reads it out to you doesn't mean it isn't there. If it wasn't then +offense would be the silliest secondary stat in the game

    Example of a umbrella term . Please go back to Jawas

  • "Mephisto_style;c-1994106" wrote:
    Why do you say there is no offense stat? Just because there is not an ID that reads it out to you doesn't mean it isn't there. If it wasn't then +offense would be the silliest secondary stat in the game

    Cause there is not.

    There are a lot of bad named terms in this game. Some have even more than 1 meaning like "physical damage" shown on character and "physical damage" from abilities. Example: GG does not use the first physical damage but deals the second physical damage.

    Offense, defense, defense penetration and dodge are instead terms affecting more than one "stat" shown (or not even shown in case of physical and special defense) in character screen. Those 4 terms affect both physical and special "stats".

    As special and physical come from different attributes and are not the same value, there cannot be an overal offense as a number to be shown. Instead is a term used to not have to say Physical and special every time.