Forum Discussion

Sunnie1978's avatar
7 years ago

Guide to the Acronyms and Terms of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH)

Have you ever asked a guildmate or someone in forums a question, and received back an answer you can't understand? Did you see posts about toons with high DPS, toons that apply dots, zetas, teams with CLS and wondered what they were talking about? Well, wonder no more! This handy guide of SWGOH acronyms and terms will have you sounding like a vet in no time!

  • 5s - CT-5555 "Fives"
  • AA - Admiral Ackbar
  • AAT - Tank Raid
  • AB - Ability Block
  • Alt - A player's secondary account, as opposed to a primary or main account
  • AoE - Area of Attack- An attack that does damage to multiple enemies
  • ATF - Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)
  • AV - Asajj Ventress
  • BB - Buff Block(same as buff immunity)
  • BF - Boba Fett
  • BI - Buff Immunity (same as buff block)
  • CC - Chief Chirpa
  • CC - Critical Chance
  • CD - Critical Damage
  • CG - Capital Games, the developer of Star Wars Galaxy of Heros
  • Chaze - Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe used together on the same team
  • Chewy - Clone Wars Chewbacca
  • Chirpatine - A Heroic Tank Raid Team using Chief Chirpa Lead, Emperor Palpatine, and typically three taunting tank characters used in P3.
  • Cholo - Captain Han Solo
  • CHS - Captain Han Solo
  • CLS - Commander Luke Skywalker
  • CM - Combat Mision in a territory battle (TB)
  • CN - Chief Nebit
  • CS - Clone Sergeant - Phase I
  • CUP - Coruscant Underworld Police
  • D - Defense
  • Devs - The game developers
  • DK - Director Krennic
  • DN - Darth Nihilus
  • Dots - Debuff that inflicts damage over time
  • DPS - Damage per second, generally refering to characters that inflict high damage
  • DR - Darth Revan
  • Drennic - Death Trooper and Director Krennic used in the same team
  • DSTB - Dark Side Territory Battle
  • DT - Death Trooper (sometimes now also used for Darth Treya)
  • EE - Ewok Elder
  • EK - Eeth Koth
  • Emp - Emperor Palpatine
  • EP - Emperor Palpatine
  • ES - Ewok Scout
  • EzPz - Emperor Palpatine with both zetas
  • FL - Farmboy Luke Skywalker
  • FOE - First Order Executioner
  • FOO - First Order Officer
  • FOSFTP - First Order SF Tie Pilot
  • FOST - First Order Stormtrooper
  • FOTP - First Order Tie Pilot
  • FOX - First Order Executioner
  • FS - Foresight
  • FTP - A player who plays for free without making purchases (Free to play)
  • GAT - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • GG - General Grievous
  • GK - General Kenobi
  • GMT - Grand Moff Tarkin
  • GMY - Grand Master Yoda
  • GS - Geonosian Soldier
  • GS - Geonosian Spy
  • GvG - Events pitting one guild against another guild, currently Territory War is the only GvG event
  • GW - Galactic War
  • HAAT - Heroic Level Tank Raid
  • HB - Heal Block
  • HMF - Han’s Millennium Falcon
  • Hoda - Hermit Yoda
  • Hots - Buff that grants healing over time
  • HP - Health/Protection
  • HRSc - Hoth Rebel Scout
  • HRSo - Hoth Rebel Soilder
  • HSith - Heroic Sith Triumvirate Raid
  • HSTR - Heroic Sith Triumvirate Raid
  • HT - Hounds Tooth
  • HTB - Hot Topic Bastila (Bastila Shan (Fallen))
  • Hyoda - Hermit Yoda
  • IGD - Ima-Gun Di
  • IPD - Imperial Probe Droid
  • ISC - Imperial Super Commando
  • JC - Jedi Consular
  • JE - Jawa Engineer
  • JKA - Jedi Knight Anakin
  • JKG - Jedi Knight Guardian
  • JKR - Jedi Knight Revan
  • JS - Jawa Scavenger
  • JTR - Rey (Jedi Training)
  • Krooper - Death Trooper and Director Krennic used in the same team
  • KRU - Kylo Ren (Unmasked)
  • Leia - Typically refers to Princess Leia, as opposed to other versions
  • LSTB - Light Side Territory Battle
  • Lumi - Luminara Unduli
  • Main - A player's primary account, when the player has more than one account
  • ME - Mob Enforcer
  • META - Most Effective Team Available
  • Mods - In forums, can refer to mods pieces for characters or forum moderators
  • MT - Mother Talzin
  • NAAT - Non Heroic Tank Raid
  • NS - Nightsister
  • O - Offense
  • OB - Old Ben
  • OD - Old Daka
  • OG Han - Han Solo (his shard are a reward for beating the heric level of the Pit Raid)
  • Omega - A gold colored ability material used to take a character's abilities up to level 7 or 8,
  • OP - On forums, when replying to a person on a thread is original poster, but when talking about a toon means over powered.
  • P1 (or other numbers) - Phase 1, Phase 2, etc.
  • Palp - Emperor Palpatine
  • Phoenix - Members of the Phoenix squad (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper, and Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios)
  • Pig - Gamorrean Guard
  • Pot - Potency
  • Princess Zody - Cody zeta, Princess Leia, and clones used as a team in tank raids
  • Prot - Protection
  • PTP - A player who has purchased items in game (Pay to play). This can be further broken down into dolphins, whales and krackens, depending on the amount spent.
  • PvP - Player versus Player. SWGOH does not have a true PvP mode, as the AI controls one side. Usually refers to Squad Arena.
  • QGJ - Qui-Gon Jinn
  • R2Z2 - R2D2 with double zeta
  • Raid Han - Han Solo (his shards are a reward for beating the heric level of the Pit Raid)
  • RaT - Range Trooper
  • RG - Royal Guard
  • RNG - Random Number Generator (Your "luck" for effects or events)
  • ROLO - Rebel Officer Leia Organa
  • RP - Resistance Pilot
  • RT - Resistance Trooper
  • SA - Can either refer to Sith Assassin or Squad Arena
  • Sass - Sith Assasin
  • Sassy - Sith Assassin
  • Scav Rey - Rey (Scavenger)
  • Shard - Can refer to either a piece of a character/ship, or the people you play against in squad arena or fleet arena)
  • Shore - Shoretrooper
  • SiT - Sith Trooper
  • Snips - Ahsoka Tano
  • Snow - Snowtrooper
  • Snolo - Captain Han Solo
  • Snowlo - Captain Han Solo
  • SM - Special Mission in a territory battle (TB)
  • SRP - Scarif Rebel Pathfinder
  • ST - Stormtrooper
  • STH - Stormtrooper Han
  • STHan - Stormtrooper Han
  • STR - Sith Triumvirate Raid
  • T - Tenacity
  • TB - Territory Battle
  • TFP - Tie Fighter Pilot
  • TLDR - Too long, didn't read, used when someone wants to reply but not read the entire post
  • TM - Turn Meter
  • TMR - Tme Meter Reduction
  • Toon - In game characters
  • TS - Tuskan Shaman
  • TW - Territory War
  • Vets - Veteran Smuggler Han Solo and Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca
  • VHS - Veteran Smuggler Han Solo
  • VM - Visas Marr
  • Wai - Working as Intended
  • Wiggs - Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter used together on the same team
  • XB - Xanadu Blood
  • Yoda - Typically Grand Master Yoda
  • Yolo - Young Han Solo
  • Zader - Darth Vader with a zeta Inspiring Through Fear
  • Zariss - Barriss Offee with a zeta on Swift Recovery
  • Zaul - Darth Maul with a zeta on Dancing Shadows
  • Zavage - Savage Opress with a zeta on Brute
  • zDN - Darth Nihilus with a zeta (he has 2, can be either)
  • Zeers - General Veers with a zeta on Aggresssive Tactician
  • Zentress - Asajj Ventress with a zeta (she has 2, can be either)
  • Zeta - Zeta material used to raise select character abilities to level 8. These are some of the most powerful abilities in the game
  • Zidious - Darth Sidious with a zeta on Sadistic Glee
  • Zinn - Finn with zeta on Balanced Tactics
  • Zoba - Boba Fett with a zeta on Bounty Hunter's Resolve
  • Zoda - Grand Master Yoda with a zeta (typically on Battle Meditation)
  • Zody - CC-2224 "Cody" with a zeta on Ghost Compay Commander
  • Zolo - Han Solo with a zeta on Shoots First
  • Zombie - Nightsister Zombie
  • Zooku - Count Dooku with a zeta on Flawless Riposte
  • ZQGJ - Qui-Gon Jinn with a zeta on Agility Training
  • Zylo - Kylo Ren with a zeta on Outrage
  • zZeb - Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios with a zeta on Staggering Sweep