At the moment, I have a Jedi Bastila Team, soon to be JKR team, a phoenix team, an empire team (No sith involved), an ishy Seps team, and ishy Lumi lead team (1st Jedi team). I don't think I need Traya, and getting decent amount of Han and GK shards. So, I'd say no. But is there anything I'm missing.
"DarkHelmet1138;c-2197666" wrote:
There are a lot of factors to consider.
1. How full is your current guild? A lot of guilds end up with only 30 people or so and that will hurt you a lot.
2. Of the people in your guild how active are they? Even if your guild has 50 people 10 or more of them may have not played for weeks and are not helping. Ideally you want 50 active people so you can launch raids more often.
If these are issues in your guild and they aren't being actively addressed, then it's time to move on for sure since it is likely holding you back in areas other than hstr.
If it is a full guild of active people, then it shouldn't be long before you can clear hstr since it only takes a few teams per person these days.
But it is pretty easy to find a hstr guild these days. Most only require that you use enough energy to get tickets.
So ultimately up to you.
1. 40 something, getting more each day
2. ~5 are inactive. After we reach 50 members, 5 days inactive = kick.
3. hSTR needs decent teams (not Phoenix / Empire below g11) so we all need time. We have 4 members with 1 relic team and 2 g12 teams. Is that enough? Will the rewards be lopsided?