SO, looking over your roster you have the beginnings of some Jedi & NS.
Decent choices for a good LS & DS teams respectively.
Here are my primary suggestions.
Cantina Energy Nodes: Priority Farms.
Kylo Ren (Unmasked) + TIE Silencer (Pilot+Ship in the same Node & helps unlock Zetas/Executrix Challenge)
Ezra Bridger - Phoenix + Jedi + Thrawn/Palpatine Events
Hera Syndula - Phoenix Leader + Thrawn/Palpatine Events
Obi Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) - Jedi Tank + Commander Luke
Gold Energy Nodes: Priority Farms
Bastila Shan (Dark Side - L5) Jedi Leader + Jedi Revan Event
NightSister Zombie (Dark Side - L8)
Jolee (Dark Side - L6) - Jedi Revan Event
Zaalbar (Light Side - L5) - Jedi Revan Event
Jango Fett + Hounds Tooth (Light Side - L8) - Solid BH/Separatist + Best Tank Ship in the game.
Bossk (Dark Side - L9) - BH Leader/Tank/Pilot for HoundsTooth.
Cantina Store:
Chopper & Boba Fett exclusively till they are both 7*
GWar Store:
Zeb (Phoenix)
Cad Bane (BH / Pilot)
Biggs (Pilot)
Biggs X-Wing (Solid Tank & Rebel Meta Ship)
(Some other Ships - See below)
Arena Store: This store has many so start farming
Kanan Jarrus (Phoenix Tank)
SHIPS: You have some choices to make & some things to consider.
1. You need an early DS fleet to get Executrix to 5* to open the Zeta Mats Challenge.
2. You need a Rebel Fleet in the end for Chimera & because Rebels are the current Meta.
3. You need a BH Fleet to unlock Han's M.Falcon to make the Rebel Meta work.
The question is what path is best to accomplish Zeta mats early & still get you BH ships.
You could go TIE's combining Empire & First Order
You could go with the Geo/Bugs synergy.
You could go the long route with mostly BH ships that will take a LONG time to farm.
For best quick early results I think you need Kylo/TIE Silencer from the Cantina Nodes for sure.
He's the fastest leveling character/ship combo & a staple of any early DS fleet.
Its up to you but you'll want to add 4+ other DS ships to him to unlock Executrix/Zeta Mats.
You only "NEED" a total of 6 DS ships at the most but you'll probably end up with more than that by the time you farm early ships & still get all 4 BH ships in the end.
Capital Ships:
Exec early for Zeta Mats
Home One long term for Rebels Meta.
Endurance is sort of crap on Offense, ok for Defense, and you should not invest in this ship before the other 2 are maxed out.
Fleet Store:
Ship Node #2 - Rotates ships for Vader, Boba Fett, TIE Pilot, & Maul. (Always keep enough to pick up the Vader & Boba Fett ships if they spawn, they are only 15% chance respectively so grab them when they pop.
Ship Nodes #4/6 - Ghost, Phantom, Biggs, Wedge, solid rebel ship options here for when it comes time to farm rebels. The 2 X-Wings are also in G-War store so focus for these nodes is on Ghost/Phantom primarily.