Teebo is helpful for Rancor, and as both I and others have said, fun should be your top priority, so if you want him, snag him. I don't use Teebo, though, in my ewok team, and back in the days right before they allowed guilds to sim the rancor raid, I didn't use Teebo for that either. Logray might be a hard farm, but he's a wonderful addition to the ewok squad. It's really hard to express how important it can be to manage the counter-attacks and TM gain of your opponents. Many squads have abilities to gain TM or to engage in mass counter-attacks. Logray is useful in all those situations.
That said, it's really pretty easy to get CLS and you'll get Raid Han without trying b/c of raid rewards from your guild. Those two toons can sim Rancor on their own with no help from others (including Teebo) needed ... and, of course, most guilds are going to Sim the Rancor raid anyway.
If you'd like to join a guild that will boost your acquisition of Raid Han and General Kenobi, I can get you into the guild of my alt account. We sim the Rancor and it gets your Han much quicker than if you were not simming (on a sim, all guild members get 10 or 11 shards of Raid Han, I forget which). You'll get Kenobi slower than you get Raid Han b/c there's no sim so you'll be finishing 30th+, but some progress is better than no progress.
If you really want to experience fighting the Rancor (and I do recommend it, it's very fun the first couple of times), you can always join a guild that is simming the Rancor raid and then either ask for the guild to do one Rancor by hand when you're ready (a lot of guild officers are cool with that idea when they're running a small/newcomer guild) OR you can leave the guild for a few days, join a lower-level guild for a few days, earn some tickets with them, fight their rancor, and then go back to any friends you've made in the guild you spent most of your time.
Guilds are something we haven't talked about, but since the entire purpose of the game is to have fun, you really should talk about them with someone. Join one and your characters will get better. Don't join one and you'll lag in development heck for a long, long time.
As another aside, you mentioned either not wanting to farm Logray and/or not wanting to wait for Logray to finish your squad (I wasn't sure which you were really saying). That brings up how it's helpful just having people to talk to about how you had a great day or a terrible day on your attempt to farm this toon or that toon. We've all been through long farms and we can pat you on the back and give you sympathy or share your joy. Honestly a good guild makes the game 10 times better.
If you'd like to join the guild of my alt, LMK. They're pretty laid back, and though my alt has 2M gp now, I think I joined with 400k or something like that? Maybe even less. They're not super talkative, but they're kind and if you ask a question you get a helpful answer.