5 years ago
Help with farming focus
Hi everyone! I need help to decide what to focus on, swgoh.gg isn't syncing my account for some reason so I took a screenshot of my roaster https://imgur.com/gallery/zkdFwO7
So a little bit of background:
I was lv 81 and a couple a days ago I have bought the HB. After that I have unlocked Padme, Thrawn, EP, BB8 and R2, all 5* lv1 for now.
My main team is Nute, Dooku, Geo Soldier, Poggle and Asajj, lv 85 tier 10.
Second best team is Qu-Gon, Luminara, Grand Master Yoda, Ahsoka, Jedi Consular (can be replaced with Basila or JK Anakin if I bring them up)
Now, question number 1:
I was thinking of farming the Ewoks to get C3PO and slowly work my way up to GAS through a Padme team, the only issue with that is that I only have like 12/145 on General Kenobi so if I go that route I will have to keep the Separatists as the main team for a while (bring them up in the meantime? G12, G13? Zetas?).
Should I be focusing on other legendaries before going all in on GAS? The Revans perhaps?
Question number 2:
Any particular team I should bring up to a decent level for any event? TW, TB, GAC?
Question number 3:
I don't really know much about the fleet. Best team for arena? Any particular ship I should focus on? (Should I start farming Kenobi's ship from the guild event store?)
I really appreciate if you took the time to read all of that and would be grateful for any suggestion!
So a little bit of background:
I was lv 81 and a couple a days ago I have bought the HB. After that I have unlocked Padme, Thrawn, EP, BB8 and R2, all 5* lv1 for now.
My main team is Nute, Dooku, Geo Soldier, Poggle and Asajj, lv 85 tier 10.
Second best team is Qu-Gon, Luminara, Grand Master Yoda, Ahsoka, Jedi Consular (can be replaced with Basila or JK Anakin if I bring them up)
Now, question number 1:
I was thinking of farming the Ewoks to get C3PO and slowly work my way up to GAS through a Padme team, the only issue with that is that I only have like 12/145 on General Kenobi so if I go that route I will have to keep the Separatists as the main team for a while (bring them up in the meantime? G12, G13? Zetas?).
Should I be focusing on other legendaries before going all in on GAS? The Revans perhaps?
Question number 2:
Any particular team I should bring up to a decent level for any event? TW, TB, GAC?
Question number 3:
I don't really know much about the fleet. Best team for arena? Any particular ship I should focus on? (Should I start farming Kenobi's ship from the guild event store?)
I really appreciate if you took the time to read all of that and would be grateful for any suggestion!