Forum Discussion

blackbeardpepe's avatar
8 years ago

Help with heroic rancor

I am close to zeta upgrade for my vader. I need some advise if my gear is strong enough or what level i need to work on. I plan on using vader, palp, sidious, tie fighter, and dooku. Please help, my guild is going to try to do our first heroic rancor soon and I would like to be prepared.

    Max your speed and gear on characters, you may need to sub in QGJ or Rex at first until you get your speed up on all your toons. You'll need to make sure that you keep speed down up at all times, making sure that Vader has high potency for the speed down. You may need to rely on TFP's tenacity down for it to work.
  • I personally don't have one but the guys in my guild run Zader, Tusken Shaman, TFP, Boba, RG or Zader, Boba, Nihilus, Palp, Savage. Sidious would work great, just replace Boba in either one.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I was able to solo phase 2-4 with zader g9 (160), dooku g8 (180), sidious g8 (180) , tfp g8 (190), and rex g8 (180).

    Quigonjinn kept getting resisted so i had to switch him for sidious. Applied tenacity down, speed down, and just did basic auto. Took me 30 minutes. We were all nervous since it was our first time and I scored first place.