Forum Discussion

AioOcaralho's avatar
5 years ago

Hi everyone ! New player here

Hi all ! Im a new player in game, f2p, atm lvl 53 and im totaly lost in game.. arena squad i only fight vs 2 types ( Phoenix and bountys) and i cant defeat them.. so from reading a bit im starting building my own phoenix squad..

But i cant pass lvl 3 modifier , and lvl 5/6 dark and Light side.. galatic war cant complete it depends on the days i can get almost to the end other not even close..
I have 42 heroes.. most of them 4* only sidious 5*.. making the phoenix team to see if game changes a bit.. honestly i think my dark team or Light team dont work at all or even the mix ones dont work. My best combo team is sidious ,darth vader, luke ( begginer one) , luminara, cônsul jedi or i use moff tarkin.. all 4/5* gear lvl VI. any suggestions ? Any huge modifications ? Been last weeks doing spending all energy and making events and trying to get further ahead but no sucess.

Thanks guys hope u can help 😍

9 Replies

  • Concentrate on building squads rather than individual toons. Develop one squad which you will get to 7 star plus ability 7. Then move onto the next squad. Don’t try and farm / level your entire roster. That is something to work on in time.

    Make sure your squad synergises, the squad you mention won’t be optimal. Review the journey guide, identify the legendary you want and pick your first squad based on what they unlock. Phoenix will get you thrawn and palp plus two Jedi towards a gym team. Alternatively work on geos if you’re minded to go for padme or gas.

    Geos are great for fleet when you get that, due to the sharing of abilities Phoenix are hard to kill and will help with GW.

    This is a long game. Plan where you want it to take you.

    Let us know what Star Wars chars you like and post as profile and people will help with more detail.
  • NOW is the time to start working on important ships.

    It's much easier to break through to high-performance in Fleet Arena than to do so with Squad Arena, then you use the crystals from Fleet Arena to catch back up and eventually get ahead in Squad Arena.

    Until you start getting a serious crystal income, you'll want to spend everything you get on either Regular Energy refreshes or Cantina Energy refreshes (or both).

    Make sure you have good allies (preferably with one or 2 GLs - if two, you want one each of light side and dark) to 3-star every mission as soon as you're allowed to attempt it.

    And get into a great guild. For a level 53 player, this means a guild around 100M to 110M gp that is completing Heroic Sith Raids and has Rancor on Sim. Bonus points if HAAT is on Sim as well. In order to get into a great guild, you'll have to promise to spend 600 energy every day, but you can do that easily if you're an every day player. (If you're not an every day player, make sure to tell prospective guilds. You can still get into a decent guild, but probably not a great one.)

    If you don't have any 7* characters, pick one character from Galactic War (probably Cad Bane, but maybe Zeb) and zoom that character up to 7* right away. This is necessary so that you can get the rewards from Heroic raids (you just need **one** 7-star character to sign up and get the benefits).

    If you have one 7* toon already, or starting as soon as you have that one 7* toon, save ALL the rest of your Galactic War currency between now & level 60. Seriously, don't spend any of it.

    Once you hit level 60, buy ships and only ships with your GW currency. We'll help you create a plan for those ships, but probably what you want to do is work on Geonosians now and once you're level 60 use the GW currency to buy Geonosian ships.

    So, that's it for now. Once you sign up at and then share the URL for your player profile back here, we can help you with more detailed plans.

    And don't forget to KhanGoldShord's question about characters you like. We'll want to help you have fun, and even if something is the best toon in the game for your level, if you're not going have fun getting/playing that character, you're better off farming something you do like. This is a game, after all, and if you're just doing the efficient thing every time and never the fun thing, you'll end up quitting.

    Having a powerful roster can actually be fun, but the game's about more than power and ticking off to-do items. The only people who really love playing the game for counting gear pieces and character shards are accountants. You don't want to be an accountant. My mom is a retired accountant and that's probably exactly how she would play this game. You don't want to be my mom.

  • Hi again guys ! Lvl 62 now ! Ive ublocked ships now ! Well i got 2 questiona for you !
    1st guild shop - what to buy ?
    2nd i have my phoenix squad( great tip guys) all VI gear and most of them 5 or 6 star. Zed almost 7. Im making the thran event and palpatine aswell( legends galaxy). Im leveling the phoenix as priority and after im chasing the geosidian ppl told me that they were nice as ships. But the question is i need to lvl the characters to make the ships stronger ? It costs a Lot to lvl up the ships and to raise stars. Also the comander ship to be a good combo with geo wich is it ?
    Best regards and thanks !
    Btw how can i add stronger friends ? I have 2 bobas with 9k power 7star and the rest is like 3 stars or even less ahaha
  • Hi Rufuus,

    Without more info on your roster any advice we give needs to be taken with a massive pinch of salt, only you know how your toons are looking, where you are in arenas etc and where you want it to take you. Signing up on would really help us. How are you getting on with GW? I recall that was your focus when you last posted.

    Given where you are in the game I would suggest you pick one area to focus on and follow through with that. Your roster will only suffer long term if you chop and change your priorities. Palp is easy to get at 7* but unfortunately you won't 7 star Thrawn until around lvl 82 so you'll be using Phoenix for some time. This is why MasterSeedy's advice to focus on your fleet made a lot of sense.

    On to your questions:

    1. As above this really depends on where you want to go with the game, how are your scoundrels looking for credit heist? I would suggest going for Dengar, will be needed for the Chewie event and adds a scoundrel on credit heist. It may be that you are already have strong scoundrels with longevity. That said maybe you just want to have fun without focusing on legendaries and development and want to work on Colonel Starck. Perhaps you're interested in an early farm for SLKR and so Tie Fighter SF Pilot is the way to go

    2. As above don't chop and change farming priorities but Ships are important at your level. How is your fleet looking at the moment? Do you have one? Again think of your long term aims, are you looking to transition to empire quickly? If so get your phoenix done and you will enjoy 7* palp easily, Thrawn works at 6 stars (you can unlock at lvl 70). Otherwise, and strictly on the caveat that you're happy with your squad and GW positions you may want to pause your phoenix and hit the geos now (that said get your Zeb to 7* for raids). Ideally you would have started your phoenix earlier and now be well on your way working on your geo farm to aid you in ships.

    Use Executrix for your capital ship. Use any prestige on that ship. Again don't try and level all your ships (very minimal investment on Windu and Akbar can get you past tier three for each). You will need to level your geos, the higher their gear and abilities the more crew power, the more crew power the more powerful your ships. Make sure that you have five 4* dark side ships for the level 75 executrix challenge. Then 3 levels later you need 6 5* ships for the zeta challenge.

    3. How is your guild looking? If you're in a good guild you can ally with some of your guild mates who can also offer advice on how best to progress within the game.
  • Purchasing-Simming Priorities by Zone.

    Cantina Store:
    #1 Boba-4* (For Credit Heists, Falcon, Chewie)
    #2 Chopper-7* (For Phoenix/LS Team, Palpatine, Thrawn, G-War)
    #3 Ahsoka-5+* (For GM-Yoda, Jedi Bastila Team)
    #4 Alternate Ahsoka/Boba to 5-7* as needed for for GMY & Credit Heists Events access.

    G-War Store:
    #1 Cad Bane-3* (For Credit Heists, Falcon, Chewie)
    #2 Zeb-7* (For Phoenix/LS Team, Palpatine, Thrawn, G-War)
    #3 Darkside Ships (#1 Sun Fac, #2 Geo Spy, #3, Geo Soldier, #4 FO TIE, #5 IMP TIE, in that order)

    Arena Store:
    #1 IG-88-3* (For Credit Heists, Falcon, Chewie)
    #2 Kanan Jarus-7* (For Phoenix/LS Team, Palpatine, Thrawn, G-War)
    #3 Storm-Han-3* (For Credit Heists, Commander Luke)
    #4 GM Tarkin-7* (For DS Fleet Commander & Empire)
    #5 Alternate IG, Tarkin, Han as needed for Credits Mission & Fleet Access

    Cantina Battles Nodes:
    #1 Ezra/Hera Alternate Stars 2-7
    #2 Kylo-Unmasked+Silencer (For DS Fleet) 7*
    #3 Alternate GEO Soldier/Spy (For DS Fleet) 7*
    #4 Old Ben (For GM.Yoda & Commander Luke)
    #5 Alternate the 6 above till all are at 7* based on what you need for each of those events.

    Light/Gold Nodes:
    #1 FO Stormtrooper Lvl2

    Dark/Gold Nodes:
    #1 Sabine Wren Lvl1
    #3 Range Trooper Lvl3

    Once your in the 4-6 Lvl range you can find Vulture Droid, TIE Bomber, & Bastila Shan, who should ALL be priority purchases (I just forget which level those 3 are on right now)

    Finally FO TIE Pilot is in both Level-6 sides if you choose that to be your 5th/6th DS Ship.

    Guild Store:
    #1 Raid Gear (Droid Callers, Security Scanners, Fusion Furnaces, Black Eye Balls)
    #2 Certain Characters as you approach L85 Events (Stark, Jyn, Logray, Dengar, FOSF TIE+Pilot)

    Fleet Store:
    #1 Build up about 2000 Currency & keep that level for "Rare" spawns.
    #2 Only Purchase Rare Spawns if you dip below 2000.
    #3 Commonish Spawn = Sun Fac
    #4 Rare Spawns Primary Order = SunFac's Ship, Vader's Ship, Boba's Ship
    #5 Rare Spawns Secondary/Later Farms = General Grievous, Rex's Ship.
    #6 Need Sun Fac & Ship up as DS Tank ASAP followed by Vader/Boba ships, Remaining 2 Rare farms should only be purchased if you really start banking a lot of coins.
    #7 Don't spend on things in this store that can be farmed elsewhere easily

    Guild Events Store:
    #1 SAVE SAVE SAVE Both Coins
    #2 NEVER SPEND GET-2 (This is long term save for Negotiator/Malevolence Cap Ships)
    #3 Occasionally, as needed, ......rarely..... use Get-1 on Stun GUNs as you SAVE SAVE SAVE
    #4 Get-1 is for Malak, GAS, Yoda, & Wampa in that order. And Rare Stun Gun purchases.

    Fleet Nodes:
    #1 Early on this is best used to "double up" on other farms to be faster.
    #2 IE, 2nd Nodes/Locations to get.......... Bastila Shan, Slave-1, TIE-Advanced-x1, Jolee, Zaalbar
    #3 Those should last you a while, but if you finish them look to Anakin's Fighter as 6th farm.
  • 1. At your stage I would buy character shards. Some characters are unfarmable and can only be bought from stores. You will need Dengar and Logray before long to help you unlock C-3P0 and Chewbacca. Rex and Cody (?) are good too in midgame. In late game you will need FO SF as well. You can also speed up your farming of Old Ben, farmboy Luke etc. if you need it when farming for legendaries.
    2. Executrix (Tarkin) is a great first capital ship. Furthermore, Tarkin will be a good addition to your empire team and help you unlock R2D2 and Executrix is required for the zeta ability material challenge. The higher crew power your crew has the higher power their ships have, yes.
  • PS. Invest in DS Fleet Early & Tarkin's Ship till you can pass the final level of the Fleet Mats event.

    Don't invest into LS Ships early unless you just have loads of credits to spare & if you do then focus on Home-1 before Endurance & Rebel Fighter like Biggs & Phoenix *2
  • They're giving you good advice. The only thing I could add would just be that when Schwartzring says,

    Biggs & Phoenix *2

    that means "when you first start focussing on LS ships, put resources into Biggs and the 2 Phoenix ships.

    "Phoenix *2" means "Phoenix TIMES two", not "2-star Phoenix ships are fine". (I don't think they even unlock at 2*, so this was probably obvious, but since I had to look at it twice the first time I read it, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any accidental misunderstanding.)

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