"Naraic;c-1892033" wrote:
"CountTyrannus;d-206844" wrote:
Is the zeta required in a Darth revan team (the one that prevents Bonus TM for enemies with protection up)? Running DRevan, Badstilla, HK, Thrawn, and sith Trooper (will be using Malak when i get him).
It means a jedi revan or padme attacking you has to make more of an effort and or have more competitive mods. Completely irrelevant for mirror matches.
I'm not an expert on Padme but doesnt she prevent her own allies from gaining TM? And I dont think his zeta prevents bonus turns as they are not TM gain.
Is there another team that uses protection up a lot?
This zeta seems to have very limited use. Sounds like a back-burner zeta to me.