I was just fighting in arena with Rey and I thought "what a stupid, imbalanced champ! I'm gonna share my thoughts on swgoh forums, gonna let them know how pissed off I'am!" I enter the forums and first thing I see "why Rey is imbalanced" :DD
Ye, we can't disagree that her ability to strike 3 times at once ( 51lvl Rey on 5th gear just hit my Sid for 7k crit.. Saaaay whaaaat) combining with her speed and foresight mechanic is just BROKEN and not possible to counter. I don't think that being able to be easily/hardly farmed, is a rational argument for the question "is the X champion balanced" for numerous reasons but most obvious that P2P can get anything they want and champions shouldn't be more or less powerful just because some can have them just like that and some don't. Yep, everyone, after a looong farming can has Rey but what if I play droid team and I don't want to have Rey in my team? I have to face her and lose all the time just because someone has a team with extremely imbalanced champ!
That's one of the many reasons why EA should be sharing patch notes with us. Without it, we don't know s**t what's going on, if our prayers and beggings are taken under consideration and what to expect.
TL;DR - Rey is obviously imbalanced (cuz 3strikes, foresight, natural speed), champs shouldnt be stronger just because some players can have them and some don't,
and patch notes should be available!